In accordance with our general conditions:
6.3. The Customer will use the Service in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and will behave in accordance with what can be expected of a responsible and careful person.
6.4. The Customer must refrain from unauthorized use of the Service. The Customer will not use the Service for unlawful acts, the commission of criminal offenses and/or acts.
- 6.4.1. The Customer undertakes to comply with applicable laws when using the Service. Prohibited, among other things, is any form of communication of an unlawful, incorrect, obscene or defamatory character, which constitutes an infringement of public order and/or good morals and of the privacy of other Customers or third parties, of the applicable legislation regarding racial and xenophobia, as well as the unlawful and/or punishable distribution of classified or confidential information.
- 6.4.2. The Customer undertakes to respect the intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights and rights to databases) of Citymesh, other Customers and third parties.
- 6.4.3. The Customer undertakes not to send unsolicited messages, not to spread virus(es), or to otherwise disrupt communications or data storage, not to cause damage to the Citymesh Services, or limit or prevent the use or capacity of the Citymesh Services for other Customers or third parties, including unnecessarily burdening the internet by causing a large unjustified traffic flow (flooding, spamming, etc...).
- 6.4.4. The Customer undertakes not to commit any acts of computer piracy or 'hacking' against the Citymesh system or any other system, not to gain access to data or systems by means of false keys, false codes and/or false capacities or in any other illegal manner, not to commit data theft and not to affect, damage or destroy the integrity of computer data and programs.
- 6.4.5. The Customer undertakes not to choose and use a username (being the part of the electronic address preceding @) that is contrary to public order and/or good morals or that is detrimental to the image or to the rights from Citymesh or third parties. Citymesh reserves the right to change and ban any name that conflicts with these principles.
6.5. Citymesh requests the Customer to be informed of any unauthorized content accessible from the Network in order to enable Citymesh to take the necessary and appropriate measures to erase this information or make it inaccessible.
6.8. In the event of a serious default by the Customer to meet their obligations, Citymesh is entitled to immediately block the Customer's access to the Service(s). The Customer will be informed in writing of this blocking within a reasonable period and will be given notice of default to fulfill their obligations. The email address that will be used for this is the email address that the Customer provided to Citymesh as a contact email address during the Subscription Request. If, within five (5) working days, starting from the day following the dispatch of the notice of default, the Customer fails to fulfill his obligations and has not formally committed itself to fulfilling them in the future, Citymesh has the right to terminate the Agreement. This termination does not give the Customer any right to compensation.
6.9. Upon a suspicion of fraud, as a precautionary measure, Citymesh is entitled to immediately block the Customer's access to the Service(s). The Customer will be informed in writing of this blocking, and They may oppose the blocking providing extra information to this purpose in writing. Upon receipt of opposition for the block by the Customer, Citymesh will investigate the suspicion of fraud in the light of the information provided by the Customer, and within ten (10) Working Days will make a decision about the blocking of the Service in writing.
You must act responsibly while using your Internet connection and take all reasonable precautions against Internet abuse.
You undoubtedly would not abuse the Internet on purpose, but this does not mean that you as a customer are not responsible for all eventual forms of abuse arising from your Internet connection, such as spam, portscans, etc., as a result of virus or malware contamination of your computer(s). The article What you can do against internet abuse can help you protect yourself against such abuse.
In the case of repeated serious violation Citymesh has the right to temporally block your Internet connection. Citymesh will inform you about it orally and in writing and will send you the extracts from the relevant complaints, which it has received. Citymeshwill give you a reasonable period to take measures to stop Internet abuse and to inform Citymesh about it. You can read more information about it in the article What you can do against internet abuse.
To counteract Internet abuse, to take preventive and, if needed, repressive measures, is in your best interest as well as in the best interest of Citymesh and its customers. If either by commission or omission of yours Citymesh ends up in the blacklists of third parties, it will mean that a significant part or even all customers of the company will be affected.
That is why we emphasize the fact that Citymesh will very unwillingly take repressive measures and disconnect you and, if it goes this far that Citymesh gives you an ultimatum, be sure it is really necessary.